What's Going On - Netted
Article • November 1, 2011

What's Going On

Organize and Share Your Experiences Online

When we predicted the future would rely on digital cameras, our parents told us it would happen when pigs would fly. Now, we have a scrapbook full of flying pig photos

We store all our digital memories on Erly. What makes it awesome is the ability to arrange all the online content around an experience – photos, tweets, status updates, whatever – in a single hub.

You and your friends can then share the whole experience of going pig watching that one time without having to look at content owned by different people all over different platforms.

Besides creating a big, beautiful themed display, we can also collaborate and share with friends and family. It’s as simple for them to start contributing as is is for them to sign up.

We’ve already decided our next two collections should be about that time we saw the double blue moons and hens with teeth.
