One Simple Hub for Your Shopping - Netted
Article • March 27, 2015

One Simple Hub for Your Shopping

Do All Your Shopping in One Place with HeartThis

Think back: how often have you shopped online, got distracted, and just left a full shopping cart? Trillions of dollars of merchandise is forgotten every year, not so surprising considering how stressful our experiences have been in the past.

Shopping would be easier if there was less forgetting involved, and HeartThis helps fix that problem.

HeartThis is a shopping hub that helps you browse all your favorite stores from your phone or computer, and keep everything in the same shopping cart.

When you sign up, give it some details – your gender, favorite shops, and the type of duds you’re in the market for (say, “sweaters” or “kids clothes”). HeartThis will even notify you if products you want become available, or drop in price, so now the shopping cart is your friend.

Browse curated collections called trends to check out he best products for a 90s throwback or spring cleaning.

What do you want to buy? That’s the trillion-dollar question.