Keep Track of Everything You Need to Do - Netted
Article • March 3, 2011

Keep Track of Everything You Need to Do

Manage and filter your to do lists with

With Internet piracy at an all time high, we’ve always wondered: how do they balance their busy downloading schedules with all those high seas antics?

Then we discovered It’s the preferred to-do list for 9 out of 10 pirates, and for landlubbers like us, the most easily managed to-do list we’ve ever used. lets you quickly build lists and easily sort projects into an intuitive task outline for everything from successful business bartering to hostile takeovers.

Some filters are provided as guidelines, but everything can be dragged and dropped for custom organization. Plus, every task can be edited or assigned a due date (“return embarrassing rhinestone-studded eye patch today”) or priority levels with just a click.

Better yet, the service is as free as seawater, and you can access your list anywhere there is Internet access.

So sharpen your ethernet cables, and add “plank construction” to your Urgent list to sail the highly productive seas.