That closet full of paint cans and broken calculators is not going to magically disappear. Find out where you can safely recycle your old stuff with this app.
INTRO: When I was a kid, my middle school held a campaign to promote environmental responsibility. Students from every class made posters – and there was one that always stuck with me. It said, in beautiful hand-drawn letters, “Don’t be a bicycle, recycicle.”
iRECYCLE: I’m still inspired by that poster today. And now I’m doing my part by introducing you to iRecycle (iRecycicle?). The name may be less-than-inspiring, but the environmentalist sentiment will feel warmly familiar. (iOS and Android.)
Get the app and tell it what you’ve got sitting around your house – old cell phones, batteries, bicycles – and iRecycle will tell you how such things are recycled, where you can take them for drop-off, and even contact information and other details.
OUTRO: Together we can make the world a better, less-cluttered, and more environmental place. And just remember: don’t be a bicycle.
CLOSE: I’m Charlie Kaplan, and that’s your Cheat Code. Later, nerds!