For every one thing online that can save you time, hassle, or money there is another that is good for nothing more than pure, unadulterated fun. After all, if the Internet can’t be used to make you laugh every once in a while, what good is it?
Using Gif Shop for iPhone and Gif Stitch for Android has been all the entertainment we need. The mobile apps make creating and sharing hilarious animated gifs easy and fun.
Using Gif Shop is as easy as loading the app and tapping the screen every time you want to grab a frame. When you’re finished, the images will loop to create a stop-motion short that you can email or upload to Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter in seconds.
Gif Stitch for Android offers an easy-to-use interface similar to its iPhone counterpart, but also gives you the option of adding color effects.
You’re just seconds away from the world seeing your dog doing a back flip. Now all we have to do is convince everyone in our office to get back to work.